CRD114 : Caledonian Railway Diagram 114 16T Boiler Tube Wagon Kit

£ 24.00 (Price excluding VAT £ 20.00)

This distinctive vehicle was one of a number of specialised open wagons. One hundred were built for the transport of tubes and other ferrous materials. Seen principally in industrial Scotland they were to be seen transporting materials and finished goods nationwide. Requires split spoke 12mm wheels, bearings, couplings, paint and transfers to finish.

Manufacturer: 51L

Railway Company: BR, CR, LMS

Scale: 4mm - 00, EM, P4 etc.

6 in stock

SKU: CRD114 Category:


This kit is based on a drawing dated 3/3/1913 and a sketch by Sir Eric Hutchinson. The former carries four order numbers: G340 (17/4/1913, 25 wagons), G355 (14/3/1914, 25 wagons), G379 (14/1/1916, 20 wagons), and G423 (12/1/1921, 30 wagons). Wagons of this type would be expected to put in 30 years hard service, and it is likely that the wagons would have still been in service in the early 1950s. The main use of these wagons was in the industrial heartland of Scotland, and it is possible they would have been seen on the West Coast main line. They were used for the transport of steel products including tubes.

A long-lived vehicle, which, because of its length, makes an unusual, interesting and attractive addition to your wagon fleet.

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Additional information

Weight 72 g

Railway Company

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