Used on almost all Maunsell and Bulleid steam-hauled carriages. It was actually a late SECR design.
A pack contains twice the parts shown in the photo, sufficient for two bogies.
£ 9.00 (Price excluding VAT £ 7.50)
Etched brass fret and whitemetal castings.
Manufacturer: Comet Models
Railway Company: (SECR) South Eastern & Chatham Railway, BR, SR
Scale: 4mm - 00, EM, P4 etc.
5 in stock
Used on almost all Maunsell and Bulleid steam-hauled carriages. It was actually a late SECR design.
A pack contains twice the parts shown in the photo, sufficient for two bogies.
Weight | 40 g |
Manufacturer | |
Railway Company | |
Scale |